Qué Suerte He Tenido de Nacer
What Luck I’ve Had to Be Born
What luck I’ve had to be born
To shake hands with a friend
And witness as a witness
The miracle of each sunrise
What luck I’ve had to be born
To have the option of the balance
Weighing defeat and hope
With glory and the fear of falling
What luck I’ve had to be born
To understand that the honest and the wicked
Are owners alike of the universe
Even if they have different opinions
What luck I’ve had to be born
To sing to people and to the rose
And to the dog and to love and to anything
That the feeling can embrace
What luck I’ve had to be born
To be silent when the wisest speaks
Learning to listen, that’s the key
If one intends to know
What luck I’ve had to be born
To have access to the fortune
To be a river instead of a lagoon
To be rain instead of seeing it rain
How lucky I was to be born
To eat the apple conscientiously
Without the ancestral fear of the cassock
Or Lucifer’s final vengeance
How lucky I was to be born
But I know, I know well
That someday I will also die
If now I live content with my luck
God knows what I will think when my death comes
What in agony will be my balance, I do not know.
I do not know. I’ve never been in that trance
But I know, well I know that on the final journey
final journey I’ll hear the ambiguous tolling of the
bells, greeting my farewell and another morning.
morning, And another voice, like me, with another
And another voice, like me, with another accent will say to the four winds
How lucky I was to be born
🙏🙏🙏Gracias Agustín por compartir esta hermosa historia llena de verdades. Aprender a escuchar es algo que algunos sufren y prefieren escuchar ellos mismos… 🤞🤞🤞