Si se calla el cantor, calla la vida
Porque la vida, la vida misma, es todo un canto
Si se calla el cantor, muere de espanto
La esperanza, la luz y la alegría
Si se calla el cantor, se quedan solos
Los humildes gorriones de los diarios
Los obreros del puerto se persignan
Quién habrá de luchar por su salario
Que ha de ser de la vida si el que canta
No levanta su voz en las tribunas
Por el que sufre, por el que no hay
Ninguna razón que lo condene a andar sin manta
Si se calla el cantor, muere la rosa
De que sirve la rosa sin el canto
Debe el canto ser luz sobre los campos
Iluminando siempre a los de abajo
Que no calle el cantor, porque el silencio
Cobarde apaña la maldad que oprime
No saben los cantores de agachadas
No callarán jamás de frente al crimen
Que se levanten todas las banderas
Cuando el cantor se plante con su grito
Que mil guitarras desangren en la noche
Una inmortal canción al infinito
Si se calla el cantor, calla la vida.
If the singer is silent, life is silent
Because life, life itself, is all a song.
If the singer is silent, he dies of fright
Hope, light and joy
If the singer is silent, the humble sparrows of life are left alone
The humble sparrows in the newspapers
The workers of the port make the sign of the cross
Who will fight for their wages
What is to become of life if the one who sings
Does not raise his voice in the stands
For the one who suffers, for the one for whom there is no reason
No reason that condemns him to walk without a blanket
If the singer is silent, the rose dies
What good is the rose without the song
The song must be light upon the fields
Always illuminating those below
Let not the singer be silent, for silence is silence
Cowardly supports the evil that oppresses
Singers don’t know how to crouch
They will never be silent in the face of crime
Let all flags be raised
When the singer stands up with his cry
Let a thousand guitars bleed in the night
An immortal song to infinity
If the singer falls silent, life falls silent